Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Milton Neighborhood Watch Makes the News!

Congratulations to Milton Neighborhood Watch for making the Cape Gazette this week! Check out the link below to read the article:


Thursday, February 7, 2008

Sussex County CERT/SKYWARN Training

Sussex County Citizen Corps will be having a Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)/Skywarn Training day on April 12, 2008.

The day will be full of informative activities and open only to those people that have already taken the basic CERT training. Class size will be limited to 35 people due to space limitations at the training facility. Since the training day is sponsored by the county, registration will be limited to residents of Sussex County.

Please see this flyer for addiitional information.

New Castle County Citizen Corps is conducting a CERT training session on February 29, and March 1 at the Mill Creek Fire Company. Please see our calendar for details.