Thursday, May 27, 2010

Preparedness Night at the Ballpark

Come out June 3rd at 7:05

Delaware Citizen Corps, New Castle County OEM/CCP, Wilmington OEM/CCP, the Delaware Medical Reserve Corps and the American Red Cross of the Delmarva Peninsula will continue its partnership with the Wilmington Blue Rocks Minor League Baseball Team to put on a Preparedness Night at the Ballpark. This is the fourth year of the partnership, an outfield billboard is displayed with a preparedness message and state and local websites, preparedness messages will be digitally shown throughout the game, and throughout the season for all events held at the stadium, which will reach approximately 300,000 fans. A Citizen Corps Back Pack will be given to the first 1000 fans, disaster preparedness messages will be broadcasted over the public address system, over 5,000 fans are expected to attend the game. A Disaster/Emergency Kit will be given away after each inning, display tables will be located in the second level walkway for individuals to stop by to get information, 500 small plastic bags filled with preparedness material will be placed on cars to be taken home.

Church Group Preparedness Presentation

Delaware Citizen Corps gave a combined Disaster Preparedness Presentation at the Mt Calvary United Methodist Church in Bridgeville. Twenty five (25) members of the Mt Calvary and Bethel United Methodist Church Group attended the 2 hour presentation held in the Church Fellowship Hall. The training was one part of other events the Health and Wellness Ministry had planned for the day, to include Fire Training at another location Local Bridgeville PD Officer Hogan sat in on the presentation, Dr. Alstacia Waters-Hall and member of Mt. Calvary Church was the POC for the presentation, Rev Barron N. Hopkins Sr. is the Pastor.

Harrington Citizens Police Academy

The Harrington Police Department held a Citizen Police Academy Graduation on May 4, 2010.  The course was taught by off duty police officers Fifteen Volunteers in Police Service (VIPS) completed the 12 week course, which was held every Thursday evening from 6-9 pm.  The course was taught by off duty police officers, retired emergency professionals and local pastors. It was designed for the volunteers to understand the inner workings of the police department so they will have a better understanding of the responsibilities of the officers and the department. 
The guest speaker was Kenneth Wagner, Youth Pastor of Calvary Wesleyan Church in Harrington, he runs a youth program called “UNITED” in which 200 youth participate in every Friday evening to meet, play games, play music, sing etc….  His message was to mentor a youth in the community and to congratulate the volunteers for taking an interest to help the PD in patrolling the city and neighborhoods, to help make Harrington a better and safer place.
Chief of Police Norman Barlow is very satisfied with the interest of the volunteers and noted that everyone attended all classes and were very eager to learn and participate.  He is also excited with the extra eyes and ears he will now have in the community which will take some of the workload off of the officers. The POC for the event was Ruth Peterman who is the Admin Support for the PD.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Red Cross CEO Receives Award

DE Citizen Corps Program Manager Bob George gives American Red Cross of the Delmarva Peninsula CEO Dan Valle an “Award of Excellence and Certificate of Appreciation at the Quarterly State Citizen Corps Council Meeting.  Dan is a Charter member of the Delaware Citizen Corps Council, the award is in recognition of his invaluable leadership & contributions to the Delaware Citizen Corps Program, Emergency Management and Citizen Preparedness.

DTCC Campus Exercise

Delaware Technical Community College (Terry Campus) held their Annual Exercise based on a Campus Bomb Explosion in which members of the Campus Community Emergency Response team (CERT) Team were called into action.  The team was made up of Homeland Security and Emergency Management Students who were CERT Trained in Nov. Marny McLee State CERT Coordinator and Dave Young (Lead CERT Instructor) participated as shadows/evaluators during the exercise.

Disaster Preparedness Presentation for Easter Seals

DE Citizen Corps provided a Disaster Preparedness Presentation to Easter Seals and the Amputee Support Group, the two hour training session was conducted in New Castle at the Easter Seals Facility.  The two groups have recently formed a partnership and decided to train together. Gloria Price the POC is the President and Founder of the Amputee Support Group and Nancy Rinalli was the POC for Easter Seals.