Monday, October 12, 2015

Department of Substance Abuse and Mental Health CERT Class

On September 30th and October 1st, the Delaware Community Emergency Response Team (CERT), led by Marny McLee Sr. (Citizen Corps/CERT Program Manager), taught a CERT class at the Department of Substance Abuse and Mental Health Herman Holloway Campus in New Castle.  Forty five (45) students, made up of psychologists, nurses, case workers, counselors, and others took the two-day national certification class on Emergency Preparedness.  The Delaware CERT Team was assisted by Director George Giles and Margie Williams of the City of Wilmington EOC. This is the fifth time the Delaware CERT Team has taught a class at the campus.
Lead CERT Instructor Dave Young demonstrates a head-to-toe assessment on CERT Program Manager Marny McLee Sr.

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